Taped the game between Canada & the US. Then watched the Seahawks. Nice to pick the winning team for a change.
Still not feeling well.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Drove to Surrey for Al Parrerson's funeral. Many old friends were there but I didn't stay long at the reception. Came home and fell asleep for a while.
Felt pretty good, just tired.
Felt pretty good, just tired.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
More hockey
Recorded the 1:30 am game between Canada and Slovakia and watched when I woke up. Spent the rest of the days watching a Chopped marathon and reading.
Felt much better than the last couple of days.
Felt much better than the last couple of days.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Up and down
Felt pretty good this morning and met Pam and Maureen in Burnaby for some caching. Logged 13.
We had lunch at the White Spot. I started feeling tired after eating and called it a day. Was home around 2.
Fell asleep for an hour. Felt sick around dinner so just had some crackers and cheese. Like last night, I feel better now.
We had lunch at the White Spot. I started feeling tired after eating and called it a day. Was home around 2.
Fell asleep for an hour. Felt sick around dinner so just had some crackers and cheese. Like last night, I feel better now.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Boxing Day
Taped the World Cup game between Canada and Germany at 1 am and watched when I got up.
Quiet day and started feeling sick when I ate dinner (turkey sandwich) and had a bit of a headache. Feeling better now.
Quiet day and started feeling sick when I ate dinner (turkey sandwich) and had a bit of a headache. Feeling better now.
Christmas Day
Slept in until 10:30! Had a quiet day and left for dinner at 3:30. It was at John's and a nice sized group - Pru, Lucas and Jesse. Had a turkey dinner with lots of veggies. Ate a good sized serving but couln't finish my plate. Talked to Dan in Shanghai via Skye.
Was home by 9:30 - stuffed and tired.
Was home by 9:30 - stuffed and tired.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Great Christmas Eve Day
Went to Matt's at noon to celebrate Christmas with them. He and Andrea put together a tasty Mexican lunch. We spent the afternoon playing the Wii U I gave them for Christmas. Lily read me a book and Sadie played Christmas songs on her keyboard.
Was home by 6. My excema is really a pain in the butt and I was tired, but it was still a good day.
Was home by 6. My excema is really a pain in the butt and I was tired, but it was still a good day.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Seattle football
There is still no hockey so I watched Seattle demolish the 49ers. At least it is a nearby team I can cheer for.
Rested today as I am going out on the next two days.
Rested today as I am going out on the next two days.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Chicken and bread
Drove to Byrne Rd this morning to get some groceries at M&M and Cobs. Both stores surprisingly empty. Came straight home and fell asleep.
Listened to documentary on Callanish this morning on CBC. Kirsten was on my weeklong retreat a few years ago. I was at the concert you hear in the background.
An old friend died a few days ago:

Listened to documentary on Callanish this morning on CBC. Kirsten was on my weeklong retreat a few years ago. I was at the concert you hear in the background.
An old friend died a few days ago:
Al was born on December 21, 1942 in Regina, SK and passed away with his family by his side on December 12, 2012 in Burnaby, BC, a few days short of his 70th birthday. He is predeceased by his sisters Iris and Yvonne, his brother David (Dorothy), his first grandson Jonah, his brothers- in-law John (Barbara), Mike (Joy), Kevin (Barbara) and his niece, Debbie (Gerry). Al will be missed by his wife of 46 years, Lois; his daughter Christine (Tom); his three grandsons Eli, Sam, and Callum; his sister Sheila (Larry); his sisters-in-law Dorothy (Fred), Barbara and Joy and brother-in-law, Bill (Carol), as well as many extended family members. Al had a long and distinguished teaching career that began in 1962 at Hastings Elementary School in Vancouver, where he met his wife, Lois. They were married in 1966. During his career, he became president of VESTA (Vancouver Elementary School Teachers Assoc.) and later received Honourary Life Membership. He also became a school consultant and a school administrator. In addition, he became president of VESPVPA (Vancouver Elementary School Principals and Vice-Principals Assoc.) Finally, he took a position in human resources at the Vancouver School Board. He continued his commitment to teaching after his retirement by participating in the BCTF (BC Teacher's Federation) Assistance Society and the Vancouver RTA (Retired Teacher's Assoc.) later becoming the VRTA president. He was a master at chairing meetings from the school level to the BCTF AGM. Al kept in touch with many of his former students, some of whom later became teachers and were mentored by Al. Al especially loved hockey, all sports, traveling, photography, fine wine, good chocolate, reading, anything to do with trivia and spending time with friends and family, especially his grandsons. In 2004 he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, which slowly took away his ability to participate in the things he loved. Special thanks go to the staff at Burquitlam Lions Care Centre, Eagle Ridge Hospital MCU, and St. Michael's Hospice for the care and compassion Al received. A Celebration of Al's Life will be held on Saturday, December 29, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at Valley View Funeral Home 14660 72 Avenue, Surrey, BC. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Al's memory to the Parkinson Society of British Columbia or the BC Children's Hospital.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Had a busy week so took today off. Feeling pretty tired.
The NRA should be ashamed. So glad they don't have power here. They are so stupid. That school was so big the bad guy could still have killed all those kids if the guard had been in the other wing. Only a very small percentage of shootings of children have happened in schools. Most die in their communities. School guards wouldn't help them.
The NRA should be ashamed. So glad they don't have power here. They are so stupid. That school was so big the bad guy could still have killed all those kids if the guard had been in the other wing. Only a very small percentage of shootings of children have happened in schools. Most die in their communities. School guards wouldn't help them.
Geocaching again
Lori and Pam picked me up at 10 this morning and Lori drove us around Vancouver and UBC for my first day of caching since October. I let them do all the walking. I helped with navigation and clues. I logged 10 by the time they dropped me off at 4.
Had lunch at the White Spot. Enjoyed a cup of chowder and a small Caesar salad. Finished every bite. Nice to have my taste buds back.
Really tired by the time we were done.
Had lunch at the White Spot. Enjoyed a cup of chowder and a small Caesar salad. Finished every bite. Nice to have my taste buds back.
Really tired by the time we were done.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Snow day
It kept snowing this morning but my big tree only had snow on its branches for about 20 minutes. The rest of the city was in chaos. Good day to stay inside.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Too much
Decided to get groceries today as there will be a lot of snow tonight. It snowed in a lot of places last night but there was none here when I got up. Filled a cart at the Oakridge Safeway. Had to take a bathroom break and the closest was in the food fair. That did me in and I went straight home. The delivery arrived before noon. Only costs $5 for seniors - worth every penny.
Felt a bit sick all afternoon. Just overdid it.
Felt a bit sick all afternoon. Just overdid it.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Best day yet
Went out at 10:30 to have a haircut. Long overdue and very shaggy. Stopped at Weir to pick up Purdy's order. Visited with Rum and Coral. Got some cash at VanCityvthen stopped at Applause for Japanese take-out. Split it between lunch and dinner. Didn't eat it all but managed more than I've been eating recently.
Finished up my Harry Potter marathon. Loved the ending.
Finished up my Harry Potter marathon. Loved the ending.
Harry Potter
It is a dark and stormy night. Perfect for a Harry Potter marathon. I watched the first five. Three more to go. I haven't seen the last one and decided to see then all again first.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Today I put shoes on for the first time in 7 weeks. Louise picked me up at 12:30 and we went to the annual Open House at Callanish. She dropped me at the door as there is seldom parking nearby. EnChor was there for their annual carol sing. It was sad this year as their founder, Diane Loomer, died earlier this week. The music was as good as always.
Was home by 3:30 and felt pretty good.
Was home by 3:30 and felt pretty good.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Dark day
Hard to stop watching the school massacre in the U.S. They are so out of step with other countries. Anyone can buy weapons at gun shows. Disturbed people can get guns, as can anyone on the terrorist watch list. Insanity!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Amazing how many reporters were talking about the Mayan Calendar today. Didn't do much research, confusing today with 12-12-21.
Saw an oncologist this morning. My liver and anemia are getting back towards normal! She also thinks the new treatment is having an effect as the protruding tumour has stopped hurting.
Pam was going to pick me up and we were going out for dinner and to a 12-12-12 geocaching event. I begged off as I wasn't feeling well. Some of the side effects are a bother. Didn't want to be too far from a bathroom.
Saw an oncologist this morning. My liver and anemia are getting back towards normal! She also thinks the new treatment is having an effect as the protruding tumour has stopped hurting.
Pam was going to pick me up and we were going out for dinner and to a 12-12-12 geocaching event. I begged off as I wasn't feeling well. Some of the side effects are a bother. Didn't want to be too far from a bathroom.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Another day, contd.
Another her day. Feeling pretty good. Still have some side effects but see Karen in the morning. Big day tomorrow so rested up today.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Took my first drive in 45 days this morning. Needed some blood tests and went to the lab near Granville and 71st. Driving is easier than walking or standing.
Life is starting to feel more normal but am worried about Christmas. No cards this year and not sure what to do about shopping. Gift cards?
Life is starting to feel more normal but am worried about Christmas. No cards this year and not sure what to do about shopping. Gift cards?
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Another day
My days are so much the same. Read and watched TV.
Stomach a bit iffy all day but enjoyed the food I ate - a good sign.
Stomach a bit iffy all day but enjoyed the food I ate - a good sign.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Grocery day
Moira did some more shopping at Oakridge Safeway today and had it delivered. Love being able to pay her by Transfering funds from VanCity. It goes to her in an email and she directs it to her bank.
Took a bag of garbage downstairs and started my car on my first try. Fell asleep soon after getting back upstairs. Feeling better than yesterday.
Took a bag of garbage downstairs and started my car on my first try. Fell asleep soon after getting back upstairs. Feeling better than yesterday.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Poor day
Had to stay near the bathroom today - side effects of my meds. Not much of an appetite. Made some scrambled eggs for dinner.
Was feeling more normal so this was disappointing.
Was feeling more normal so this was disappointing.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
École Polytechnique
23rd anniversary of the massacre in Montreal. Missed the VESTA gathering at Thornton Park memorial but they called any everyone said hello.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
PVR ghost
Figured out my PVR had begun to drop older episodes of shows to record new ones. A few of them reappeared today!
Feeling pretty good today.
Feeling pretty good today.
Had a shower this morning and decided it was time to go down the stairs for a mail pickup. Did pretty good on the way down and up. Still getting a cough and some shortness of breath when walking or talking.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Soup day
Pru's sons came through for me today. Lucas carried away my garbage, a big old microwave, a lamp and some boxes. He also brought me some wonderful soup that Jesse made. I ate a big bowl of it tonight.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
5 weeks
Went into the hospital 5 weeks ago. I'm still feeling a bit better each day. I can drink without feeling a block in my throat. I've started eating in small bits through the day. Enjoyed scrambled eggs and toast for dinner.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
More groceries
Moira filled a cart with groceries at the Oakridge Safeway and they delivered them.
Had a headache on and off all day but still felt a bit better. Had a shower this morning.
Was going to watch last episode of Upstairs, Downstairs but hit erase instead. Bought it from iTunes for $3.49. Took an hour to download.
Had a headache on and off all day but still felt a bit better. Had a shower this morning.
Was going to watch last episode of Upstairs, Downstairs but hit erase instead. Bought it from iTunes for $3.49. Took an hour to download.
Better day
Feeling better today. Still getting short of breath, especially when I talk.
Got my PVR below 50%. Should catch up soon.
Got my PVR below 50%. Should catch up soon.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
GP visit
Got the first big side effect of my new drug and spent the day going back and forth to the bathroom.
Maureen drove me to my GP, Dr. Narvas. He basically said things will get better. Nice to get ears cleaned. One is still pretty noisy. He gave me a prescription for Ranitidine for my stomach. It was helping in the hospital. They had cut it to one a day but he put it back to twice.
The stairs weren't too bad. My breathing did get laboured so I see why the physio wants me to use a walker when out.
Soup day
Dan Kenning made some delicious chicken soup and came with Ildi Varga for lunch.
Still getting pretty tired when I'm moving about.
Still getting pretty tired when I'm moving about.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Slow going
Today felt a bit better. Got an appointment with my GP for Thursday afternoon. Not ready to drive so will take a cab.
Got my PVR down to 58% full.
Got my PVR down to 58% full.
Cleaning Day
A couple of cleaners came to tackle my mess. They did the laundry and took out the garbage and recycling. I said to start in the kitchen and bathroom and that's as far as they got.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Moira took my shopping list to Safeway and filled up a cart. Trouble is, they don't deliver on Sunday. Pru and Jesse saved the day and picked it up.
Grey Cup was disappointing. Too bad Calgary wasn't that bad when we played them last week.
Still not feeling well. Really weak. Had a good sleep last night and hope another one will help.
Grey Cup was disappointing. Too bad Calgary wasn't that bad when we played them last week.
Still not feeling well. Really weak. Had a good sleep last night and hope another one will help.
Shaky day
Nice to sleep in own bed without the noisy carts trundling down the hall and nurses wanting blood at 5 am. Feeling a bit nauseated so didn't sleep as well as I expected
Watched PVR all day and dozed. Tried some soup and toast for dinner but couldn't finish it. Every time I moved I made a point of picking something up. Still a big mess.
Watched PVR all day and dozed. Tried some soup and toast for dinner but couldn't finish it. Every time I moved I made a point of picking something up. Still a big mess.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Knew this morning that I had to get out of that place. I was too young and too fit. I started my campaign early. Spent the day in the lounge looking as fit as I could.
The physio took me up and down the stairs a couple of times and had me sit in the lounge so she could watch me. The nurse practitioner went over my chart with me and finally called the doctor I saw yesterday. He said to let me go!
Pru came to spring me. The stairs at home were fine. I've been sitting here, sipping tea and enjoying Karen's banana loaf. Not too hungry. Lunch was actually a nice piece of roast chicken. Dinner was either salmon or tuna sandwiches - yuck!
Feeling pretty good. My little tumour is painful but hopefully the new drug will shrink it.
A walker is waiting at the Red Cross in Richmond. I will only use it while walking to give me something to lean on if I'm short of breathe.
The physio took me up and down the stairs a couple of times and had me sit in the lounge so she could watch me. The nurse practitioner went over my chart with me and finally called the doctor I saw yesterday. He said to let me go!
Pru came to spring me. The stairs at home were fine. I've been sitting here, sipping tea and enjoying Karen's banana loaf. Not too hungry. Lunch was actually a nice piece of roast chicken. Dinner was either salmon or tuna sandwiches - yuck!
Feeling pretty good. My little tumour is painful but hopefully the new drug will shrink it.
A walker is waiting at the Red Cross in Richmond. I will only use it while walking to give me something to lean on if I'm short of breathe.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Settling in
Didn't sleep well as I was far too hot. My two old roomies are always complaining about the cold so I can't crack the window.
Started my new pills this morning. A doctor came to check us all and was impressed by my file. I got a shower as it was my first day. The care aide put in a chair and wheeled me to the room. It turned out to be a big bath with jets. The chair lifted me up and lowered me down. I got a shampoo and massage and washed away all the hospital smells.
Breakfast had lots of choices and then there was a group exercise program in the lobby. I am the second youngest and definitely the fittest.
Karen Cordiner came for a visit bearing gifts. We sat in the lobby until lunch. Nice to see a new face. Lunch was a pork cutlet and was okay. Lay on my bed reading and then went back to lobby just as Lori and Pam arrived.
The dunner menu was wrong. We have had overlooked broccoli with every meal. This was a casserole of rice, broccoli and once melted cheddar. No quiche! Ice cream and tea saved me.
I haven't tried stairs as the physio was away. Otherwise I feel pretty normal. Just some side effects from the drug. I don't think I'll be here long.
Started my new pills this morning. A doctor came to check us all and was impressed by my file. I got a shower as it was my first day. The care aide put in a chair and wheeled me to the room. It turned out to be a big bath with jets. The chair lifted me up and lowered me down. I got a shampoo and massage and washed away all the hospital smells.
Breakfast had lots of choices and then there was a group exercise program in the lobby. I am the second youngest and definitely the fittest.
Karen Cordiner came for a visit bearing gifts. We sat in the lobby until lunch. Nice to see a new face. Lunch was a pork cutlet and was okay. Lay on my bed reading and then went back to lobby just as Lori and Pam arrived.
The dunner menu was wrong. We have had overlooked broccoli with every meal. This was a casserole of rice, broccoli and once melted cheddar. No quiche! Ice cream and tea saved me.
I haven't tried stairs as the physio was away. Otherwise I feel pretty normal. Just some side effects from the drug. I don't think I'll be here long.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
What a busy day. The nurse woke me at 7 so I could get ready. It was really hard getting my teeth cleaned and putting real clothes on. A man from Hospital Transfer put me in his van and drove around the block to Fairmont. He wheeled me up to the Breast Cancer floor where I saw Karen. They got permission from Ottawa for me to get Afinitor on compassionate grounds. That meant I didn't have to pay the $5,000. I'm to start it with Exemestane. The driver is married to a teacher and his father used to be in charge of the school engineers so we had a lot to talk about. He even let me get the prescription at MacDonald's when I had been told they wouldn't.
I got back and undressed, ready for a good rest. That didn't last because there was now a bed for me at Braddan. Andrea went to the Cancer Agency for my other prescription. The same driver came and we managed to get me and all my stuff moved.
I arrived after lunch and they immediately took me in the dining area and found me a sandwich and a cup of tea in a real cup! Another patient gave me the WiFi code and I was happy. No TV in my room but there is a big one in the lunchroom. Maureen came to visit but dinner was announced at 4:30.
I learned two things - there is a seating plan and don't bother going in until the wheelchairs arrive. Dinner was soup, salad, vegetarian lasagna and pumpkin pie. I ate more than I have been.
I was up a lot today and managed pretty well. Just lying on my bed (room with 2 old ladies) and reading the newspapers on my iPad.
I got back and undressed, ready for a good rest. That didn't last because there was now a bed for me at Braddan. Andrea went to the Cancer Agency for my other prescription. The same driver came and we managed to get me and all my stuff moved.
I arrived after lunch and they immediately took me in the dining area and found me a sandwich and a cup of tea in a real cup! Another patient gave me the WiFi code and I was happy. No TV in my room but there is a big one in the lunchroom. Maureen came to visit but dinner was announced at 4:30.
I learned two things - there is a seating plan and don't bother going in until the wheelchairs arrive. Dinner was soup, salad, vegetarian lasagna and pumpkin pie. I ate more than I have been.
I was up a lot today and managed pretty well. Just lying on my bed (room with 2 old ladies) and reading the newspapers on my iPad.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
New room
Walked down the hall and had a shower on my own this morning. Physio took me back to climb some stairs. It is getting easier. It isn't my legs. It's my breathe.
Pru came to visit with Patrick and Lucas. They always cheer me up.
They needed my room for a spinal patient so I was moved to 14610 in Jimmy Pattison. In a room for two. Big window. Wonder what the view is?
Up early tomorrow and will be taken to Fairmont to see Karen Gelmon. Pharmacy called to say new drug is in. Not sure how I'll get it and prescription at Agency. This transport will not deviate.
Monday, November 19, 2012
I was supposed to have bloodwork at the Cancer Agency this morning and see Karen on Wednesday. The nurse said to cancel this morning so I left a message. Tonight he said transport was arranged for Wed. Now I have to find out if I still have an appointment.
Louise, Pam and Pru visited. Finally got a flu shot.
My food order was wrong all day. That's what happens when you get rid of union workers.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Busy day
Lots of visitors today - Lori, Moira, Pru and Maureen. Diverted my attention away from lackluster Lion's game.
Walked up the hall a couple of times with my walker. Tumour in my groin acting up. Might need some Tylenol tonight.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Stormy weather
Had two visitors today. Louise brought the newspaper and Jane came with tea, homemade scones with butter and jam, some tea and a Mandarin orange. Enjoyed it all.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Waiting game
There are 12 ahead of me on the waiting list so I'll be here for a few more days.
Had a shower this morning and then fell asleep. The physio had me walk down the hall and up 10 stairs.
Every meal was the opposite of what I ordered. Ate little of the dinner. Good thing I'm not hungry.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Don't know when I'm moving or where it will be. They think I should have the gall bladder out when I'm stronger.
Walked a bit and went up one landing of stairs. Sat up but got really tired.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Weird night. Nurses woke me twice to look at my port. They aren't used to them on the spinal ward. The old man across the hall refused a blood test at 6. He's bee complaining about his catheter for days. A nurse walked by at 7:30 and had a fit. He had pulled it out and there was blood everywhere. They've been arguing and cajoling all day to get a new one in.
My student came today and said they were thinking of a liver biopsy. A while later he said I was being discharged. I'm going to a Transition Unit and it will take a few days for a bed to come open.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Day of visitors
Lots of company today - Mae (who did Therapeutic Touch), Pam & Lori, Louise, Matt & Maureen.
Walked down the hall. They want more tests now.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Dull Monday
Blood was drawn at 5am but they came back this afternoon for more. Had a hard time filling the tubes. I'm all tapped out!
My liver numbers are climbing again so we're stopping the Sjogren medication.
Louise came and we went for a little walk down the hall.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Phone woes
I've almost reached the limit of my iPhone plan. I'm leaving it off most of the time.
Moira brought me a book and a tea tumbler. Pam came a bit later and discovered where to get hot water.
Took a little walk with my nurse. Just eating tires me out!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Weekend lull
No blood work this morning so could sleep until about 7. Only testing every 2nd day. Saw a med student and the lung test hasn't been analyzed yet.
3 of the Status of Women arrived with treats - newspaper, chocolate, crib game, a stuffed reindeer... They even went for a cup of tea for me after I took a walk with them. Louise arrived as my lunch did and brought another paper.
Quiet afternoon. I fell asleep for a bit.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Andrea brought in a bunch of stuff Matt retrieved from my apartment. There is still one library book on my KOBO that doesn't expire until the 15th. Can't load new stuff as there is no WiFi. Can't even read my newspapers on my iPad.
The physio took me for a walk and I did 3 stairs. My nurse took for a shower and I couldn't walk it. They got me a wheelchair and my breathing settled down. Loved the shower!!
Louise brought me Province just as Andrea arrived with tea. Eating lunch seemed a lot of work.
Went to have a lung capacity test. Don't know how I did but blowing out was hard.
Tired tonight. Enjoying my PD James mystery.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Heart test
Busy morning. Matt and Andrea came, 4 Status of Women friends, Lori & Pam, and Louise.
Spent the last couple of hours having a test on my heart. Tomorrow there is a lung capacity test at 3.
Finally got switched to regular diet and had meat sauce on pasta for lunch.
Came back to the room to find a hot cup of tea from Andrea.
Matt braved my messy apartment and hasdumped the moldy teapot and gathered stuff for me. Will be nice to have something to read.
A nurse just changed the line into my port. It has been there over a week. My nurse wrote a date on it so we can keep track.
My heart is fine so lungs tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Four more years
Managed to stay awake until it was clear Obama was going to win. Whew!
My liver numbers are still up and they don't know why I'm anaemic. Yesterday's X-ray show I still have some fluid in my lungs. I've started using a puffer (Novo-Salbutamol HFA).
Andrea brought me a great cup of tea this morning. The Resident is going to get me back on regular food.
Heart test at 1:30 Thursday.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
New team leader
Dr. Iain McCormick is the new head of my team. He spent a lot of time with me this morning. He hopes the liver is because of the Tamoxifen and will get better now.
I am anaemic and the original chemo might have damaged my heart so I'm having an eco test. My breathing isn't great so add another chest X-ray and lung capacity test. I'll start a puffer right away.
Also being tested for a bunch of other stuff like Hep C and AIDS (no chance).
Monday, November 5, 2012
Quiet day
Didn't do much today. They wake me at 5:30 to draw blood from my port. Vitals are checked around 7. Someone comes to change the bed while I wash in the bathroom. Improvement from early days of bed baths.
Meals are 7, 1 and 6. I asked for vegetarian to get smaller selections but asked to go to normal tomorrow. Nothing to drink with dinner. Must have missed it on the form.
Pam and Lori have been taking good care of me. Lori brings the Province and a latte when I feel like one. Louise has been bringing in the Sun most days. Their visits always make me feel better.
Andrea works here so pops in every day for a visit and to see what I need - toothbrush, TV... Matt usually makes it in. Today he brought a wonderful cup of tea. The old plastic mugs here stink of soup and coffee so the hot water takes on the flavours.
Hi from VGH
This is my longest hospital stay.
They think I've had a gallstone blockage and filled up with infection. I've been sick for months but kept thinking it was GERD. Even saw gastro specialist.
They think I've had a gallstone blockage and filled up with infection. I've been sick for months but kept thinking it was GERD. Even saw gastro specialist.
My liver enzymes are still up and my gut isn't right yet. Once I am medically cleared I'm going into Transitional Care until I can look after myself. My apt is a mess as I haven't been coping for ages.
Visits are great but I tire easily. I am in a very small room and you have to use a gown and gloves.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Still sick
I am still in VGH after what was probably a gall stone. Looks like I'll stay until next week and then go to Transitionary Care
Friday, October 26, 2012
I went out for a bit Thursday morning. Got home at two and started throwing up. I've had attacks like this before and it is probably GERD. The vomiting lasted for 12 hours. Today I am shaky and tired. I just sit and doze and dink lots of water.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
New plan
At the Cancer Agency for bloodwork at 9:30. Had a latte and a scone at Waves to kill some time. My appointment with Karen was 9:40. Better than I thought. A lot of my tumours have grown since the last CTScan but the there was nothing in the liver. The bloodtest showed the liver numbers were getting better. Might have been a side effect of the Tamoxifen, just like my GERD.
We're going to try something new. Can't remember the name but is has been used for renal cancer. The U.S. has just approved it for breast cancer. Karen is asking Ottawa to give it to me on compassionate grounds. It'll take a while to find out.
Picked up groceries at Granville Island on the way home.
Multi caching
Met Pam and Lori and we spent the day getting multis in Vancouver, Burnaby, Port Moody Mnd Coquitlam. It was cool out but sunny most of the day. Had lunch at Mr. Mike's.
Stopped at M & M Meats on the way home.
Stopped at M & M Meats on the way home.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Bad night
Woke up at 3 with the pain in my left leg again (not the one with the tumour sticking out). Took a pain killer but finally had to move to the Lazy Boy. Dozed the rest of the night. Took a few more painkillers. Didn't hurt this moring. Had a quiet day. Caught one mouse!
Attack in the Stacks
A long day today. We met at 10 this morning at Pam's and Lori drove. Our goal was a geo-mystery at the public library in the Fairhaven part of Bellingham. We found a few caches on the way down. Had a good lunch at Fairhaven Fish and Chips.
We collected our information booklets at 3:00 and then wandered around looking for the clues. Met up with the Wild Thingys back at the library and worked on the solution. Pam finally got it right! This took a lot of organizing and there were 200 participants.
We met the Wild Thingys for dinner later at Applebee's. Found another cache in Blaine that was giving us trouble after getting some hints. Finally home at 11:20.
Didn't feel well most of the day. I'm sure part of it is anticipating next week's oncologist appt. Also, think I'm overtired. Nothing to go out for Sunday & Monday.
We collected our information booklets at 3:00 and then wandered around looking for the clues. Met up with the Wild Thingys back at the library and worked on the solution. Pam finally got it right! This took a lot of organizing and there were 200 participants.
We met the Wild Thingys for dinner later at Applebee's. Found another cache in Blaine that was giving us trouble after getting some hints. Finally home at 11:20.
Didn't feel well most of the day. I'm sure part of it is anticipating next week's oncologist appt. Also, think I'm overtired. Nothing to go out for Sunday & Monday.
Friday, October 19, 2012
BCTLA Conference
Got up in the dark to go to the BCTLA Conference in Port Coquitlam. Had to be there before 8:30. Susan Lambert, BCTF President, was there to present the BCTLA President's award to me. Very touched by her words. Luckily, we were running behind and I didn't have to make a long speech. I counted on that when I saw Moira was accepting TL of the Year right before me.
Hung around visiting for a while and sat down with my replacement to hand my tasks over. So glad to be replaced by Val Martineau from Nanaimo. She'll take the online communications to the next level.
Stopped at IGA and was home by 12:00. Fell asleep for about an hour in the middle of the afternoon.
Hung around visiting for a while and sat down with my replacement to hand my tasks over. So glad to be replaced by Val Martineau from Nanaimo. She'll take the online communications to the next level.
Stopped at IGA and was home by 12:00. Fell asleep for about an hour in the middle of the afternoon.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
CT Scan
Had to drink my first bottle of water at 7:45 and get to the Cancer Agency by 8:45 for my CT Scan. The mom from Weir took care of me. She found a vein quickly and I was done quickly. They've now decided it is Norwalk Virus on the 5th floor.
Managed to get in for a haircut at Mei's. Drove out to Pam's to work on puzzles and Saturday's event with her and Lori. Homemade soup and egg sandwiches - the perfect lunch.
We went to Surrey to find a few caches in the rain and then back to plan Saturday's Attack in the Stacks - a geo-mystery in Bellingham. At 4:30 I had to head home. I was just so tired!
Managed to get in for a haircut at Mei's. Drove out to Pam's to work on puzzles and Saturday's event with her and Lori. Homemade soup and egg sandwiches - the perfect lunch.
We went to Surrey to find a few caches in the rain and then back to plan Saturday's Attack in the Stacks - a geo-mystery in Bellingham. At 4:30 I had to head home. I was just so tired!
Better day
Went to my metastatic group this morning. There is a gastric outbreak on the floor and it was partly quarantined. I kept going up and down front and back elevators and finally found them. Missed opening relaxation bit. I had really been looking forward to that. At least the tea lady was on the lookout for us on the main floor and I got my cuppa. A good group and worth the effort to find it. Washed my hands a couple of times on the way out.
Got some groceries at Oakridge. My Safeway is now torn down. Quiet afternoon. Didn't eat much but I am a lot better today.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
GERD attack
Went out to do a bit of shopping but started feeling sick. Started with a headache and ended up with GERD attack that lasted all afternoon.
Finally started feeling better in time to enjoy Obama kneecap Romney. Able to eat some toast. Hope if I'm taken off Tamoxifen next week these attacks will fade.
Open Road
Took my car in for servicing. Solved the problem of wondering if my tires will still be in my locker in the underground parking lot. Open Road will now store them. No one parks under our building and the lockers are decrepit.
Only took 1 1/2 hours and I was home by 12:30. Really tired all day just didn't feel like doing much.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Even wetter
The rain pounded down so I stayed inside with baseball playoffs.
It is warm enough that I left the sliding door open all day.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Rainy day
My jacket was in the car so I got wet going for it. The car heater quickly dried me.
Bought a bunch of food at Granville Island. Nice quiet morning there. Was hoping to get a cannoli but they wouldn't be ready for an hour. They only make them on weekends, so I'll try again.
I think we've had more rain than the total since the beginning of August.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Fall has arrived
A cloudy day. I think it rained but didn't venture out to see.
Feeling much better. Just a bit tired. Still have a bit of a cough.
BC Lions roared tonight!
Friday, October 12, 2012
New West
Not really feeling well but wanted to get out before tomorrow's rain. Not complaining - the salmon need water in the rivers.
Couldn't find a new one close by. Hanging in a tree - a big tree. Drive to New West and had liver and onions at the Waffle House. Felt I needed the boost. Found 3 nearby caches.
Stopped at Price Smart for some groceries on the way home.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Did a couple of loads of laundry and it was a pain. The crazy woman who drinks too much kept putting stuff in a dryer so I had to wait for my first load to dry so I could put in the second.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
North Van caching
Had a great day with Pam and Lori on the North shore. I found a dozen caches but our goal was to get 20 for Pam. She exceeded that to get her 100 for the date and also got 7 different cache sizes to finish a challenge.
Stopped at White Spot for fish and chips and I was back home around 4. I don't have my usual stamina and fell asleep watching TV. Luckily I was watching my PVR and can go back.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Family Thanksgiving
Picked up Andrea's parents in Dunbar and we went to Matt's for lunch. Love turkey sandwiches. Sadie gave us a concert on her keyboard and then demonstrated her hula skills. Billy was flying around on her broom in full witch's costume.
Home by 3:30 and really tired.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
Still not feeling right. Just couldn't get up the oomph to do anything. Finally forced myself out at 3:30 and snagged a couple of caches at UBC. Amazing how warm it is.
Had turkey dinner at White Spot.
Still summer
It is still hot and dry. Beach weather in October!
Picked up some Chinese for dinner. Enjoyed the Lions. They can win itch key players hurt. No hockey so I am watching tennis!! Raonic is in the final in Japan. He is the highest ranked Canadian ever.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Oakridge settlement
Met my lawyer at Starbucks to sign the final papers for my trip over the speed bump at Oakridge. He did a great job in convincing them to settle. They've even painted yellow lines around all of them like other parking lots do.
Bought a new vacuum at London Drugs. Had lunch on the beach at Pajo's.
Home by 1 and really tired.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Caching downtown
Pam and Maureen left their cars at my place and we headed downtown. Had several DNFs. I managed to get close to each and then just sat in the car while they grabbed te caches. Helped having the handicapped tag - you can park in permit only spots for 3 hours.
We stopped for lunch at the White Spot on Georgia. Enjoyed my burger but left most of the fries. They were good but I was full. We then went into Stanley Park and found a bunch. I paid for parking with my iPhone app, PayByPhone. It even tweets me when time is running out.
Home by about 4:30 and really tired. Still coughing.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Point Roberts
Picked up a package at Point Roberts and filled up with gas. Had lunch at George's Taverna in Steveston.
Romney looked good in tonight's debate but he sure told a lot of lies.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Dry summer
We just had the driest Aug/Sep in over a century and there is nothing but sun in the forecast.
Tired of being cooped up so will go out tomorrow. Still coughing but not as deeply.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Still lazing around
Cough is getting better and I had more energy today.
Still staying in - reading and watching TV.
Really windy tonight.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Getting better
Not coughing as much today. Still just stayed in. So much on TV tonight. Glad I have the PVR.
Watched the Ryder Cup this afternoon. Must be trying to fill gap left by NHL lockout.
Getting 8 hours sleep but still not well.
One rib has been painful but is fine tonight. Just getting old and creaky.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Finn Slough
Slept in and decided to pick up a package at Point Roberts. Gave up when I saw the full parking lot and a line that went out to the road. Bought gas and wine. Found a new cache near Finn Slough. We used to bike there and play on te wharfs. We'd lie down and ride e waves from freighters. Duh!
Too many people at Pajo's so went I Save-On at Terra Nova. Had some Japanese food in the same mall. Thought miso soup should help my cold.
Went home and fell asleep for most of the afternoon.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tired of coughing
Stayed in and rested all day. This bug just doesn't want to go away.
So many accusers against John Furlong. The Straight and CBC have done a lot of digging. Hope the investigation is swift and thorough.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Gastro MD
Got parked right outside my gastroenterologist's building on Hornby near Davie for a 10 am appointment. Trouble was it was supposed to be 1:00. Went back home for a coupe of hours and tried again. This time I had to park on Howe. Love using the PayByPhone app for the meters.
My appointment was short. I don't need and tubes stuck down or up me and I can stick o over the counter treatments for my GERD. Dr. Ko agreed the altitude last week set it off. Turns out she is a liver specialist if I need one. I did some research and my Tamoxifen could be affecting the liver.
Stopped at Whole Foods for sone groceries. Still coughing.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Need a new plan
Saw an oncologist this morning and she wasn't happy. My tumour markers have gone up and there is something wrong with my liver. Karen is away so no changes will be made for a couple of weeks until she gets back. They'll redo the bloodwork and do a CTScan in the meantime. She also wasn't impressed by the two tumours popping out of my groin.
Stopped at Granville Island for groceries and then came straight home. Still coughing and that was clearly enough for one day.
Nothing to do now but wait and be patient.
Getting better
Felt more human today but still took it easy. When I do start to cough, it's hard to stop.
Watched Game Changer tonight after it won the Emmy last night. Sarah Palin is a true idiot. Is Ryan any better? Both seem to lie with such ease.
Watched Game Changer tonight after it won the Emmy last night. Sarah Palin is a true idiot. Is Ryan any better? Both seem to lie with such ease.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Still sick
Bit better today but still stuffed and sweaty.
Watched the Emmy's and it was a train wreck. Couldn't hear much in the first part as the mike's idn't seem to be on. Who thought it would be funny to do a parody of the In Memorium segment?
Watched the Emmy's and it was a train wreck. Couldn't hear much in the first part as the mike's idn't seem to be on. Who thought it would be funny to do a parody of the In Memorium segment?
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Cough, cough
Slept well in spite of my cold. Had a hot shower 🚿 and then went to IGA for fresh groceries - my Safeway is closed while they build a new complex.
Watched 3 Indiana Jones movies and the Lions game. 🏈
Trying lots of fruit 🍊and DayQuil/NyQuil liquicaps. 💊
Watched 3 Indiana Jones movies and the Lions game. 🏈
Trying lots of fruit 🍊and DayQuil/NyQuil liquicaps. 💊
Saturday, September 22, 2012
I do have a cold. Spent the day sniveling and eating fruit. Chicken soup seemed smart for dinner.
Caught up on everything I recorded on my PVR last week. Updated my iPad to version 6. Siri is fun to play with.
Caught up on everything I recorded on my PVR last week. Updated my iPad to version 6. Siri is fun to play with.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Bloodwork at the Cancer Agency at 9:30 this morning. Had to turn my head and take deep breaths to get the flow going from port-a-cath.
Got the final coordinates from the CO for the 12-31-365 cache that I finished in Utah. I have at least one cache on each of 366 days (including Leap Day), 100 per month and 100 for each day of the month. Decided to go for the final near SFU. It was hidden on the Trans Canada Trail and it was a bit challenging on the downhill bits but my cane kept me upright.
Home by 12:30. Fell asleep this afternoon. Feel like I might be coming down with a cold. Not budging tomorrow!
Got the final coordinates from the CO for the 12-31-365 cache that I finished in Utah. I have at least one cache on each of 366 days (including Leap Day), 100 per month and 100 for each day of the month. Decided to go for the final near SFU. It was hidden on the Trans Canada Trail and it was a bit challenging on the downhill bits but my cane kept me upright.
Home by 12:30. Fell asleep this afternoon. Feel like I might be coming down with a cold. Not budging tomorrow!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Granville Island
Attended my metastatic cancer group this morning. Enjoyed the company and conversation. Main topic was the importance of hope.
Picked up some groceries at Granville Island. Enjoyed a bowl of cock a'leekie soup and chatted with a couple from PEI who were on a bus tour around the city.
Did a bit more shopping and then home. Still tired from trip.
Picked up some groceries at Granville Island. Enjoyed a bowl of cock a'leekie soup and chatted with a couple from PEI who were on a bus tour around the city.
Did a bit more shopping and then home. Still tired from trip.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Home again
We checked out this morning and found a couple of caches south of the airport. We loaded up with gas and dropped off our Jeep Compass at about 11. We were flying Alaska Air but the first leg was a Delta 757 at 1:52 (MST). There was a 3 hour layover in Seattle and I had fish & chips for dinner. The next flight was Alaska Horizon at 6:10. It was a prop plane and was flying so low we could watch all the towns go by. We could even see the white rock at White Rock! The last bit up the Fraser River was fun to watch.
Lori & Pam took the Canada Line & bus to Delta. They put me in a cab. I was too tired to even think about the CL & a bus ride home. I asked the cabbie to carry my bag upstairs. He agreed when he realized I was giving him a $20 for a $13 ride. Worth every penny!
We accomplished everything we set out to do on the trip. Pam got to 100 on some days of the month, we all finished our Jasmer Challenge (finding a cache placed in 149 months since May 2000), a count of different types of caches and a bunch of Earthcaches for another challenge. We also saw amazing scenery.
Pam & Lori drove 1,212 miles/1950 km
I walked 2.33 km today in airports and a total of 10.8 km.
Lori & Pam took the Canada Line & bus to Delta. They put me in a cab. I was too tired to even think about the CL & a bus ride home. I asked the cabbie to carry my bag upstairs. He agreed when he realized I was giving him a $20 for a $13 ride. Worth every penny!
We accomplished everything we set out to do on the trip. Pam got to 100 on some days of the month, we all finished our Jasmer Challenge (finding a cache placed in 149 months since May 2000), a count of different types of caches and a bunch of Earthcaches for another challenge. We also saw amazing scenery.
Pam & Lori drove 1,212 miles/1950 km
I walked 2.33 km today in airports and a total of 10.8 km.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Salt Lake City
Another great day of caching. I was up and down to the bathroom last night so just had tea and toast for breakfast. Was feeling better by lunch and managed Mexican for dinner.
We wandered around the Temple area. The building and grounds are worth a visit. We also had to go up to the State Capital building. Truly impressive with a long wide street leading up to it for miles.
Went up/down Gravity Hill and couldn't tell if we were going up or down. Very weird feeling! Our GPSs were telling us what our eyes weren't seeing. Visited an artesian well and then a hot springs. Water seems to be the theme for many of the Earthcaches around here.
We wandered around the Temple area. The building and grounds are worth a visit. We also had to go up to the State Capital building. Truly impressive with a long wide street leading up to it for miles.
Went up/down Gravity Hill and couldn't tell if we were going up or down. Very weird feeling! Our GPSs were telling us what our eyes weren't seeing. Visited an artesian well and then a hot springs. Water seems to be the theme for many of the Earthcaches around here.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Utah, Colorado and Wyoming
Took the scenic route back to Salt Lake City and dipped into Colorado and Wyoming for caches. I have now finished another challenge - 1 on all 366 days, 100 in each month and 100 on each day of e month. I also have enough Earthcaches for a couple of challenges.
Saw some amazing scenery. I'll post a slide show in a couple of days.
Felt sick again for a few hours but it's gone again. Tomorrow will be just around here.
Saw some amazing scenery. I'll post a slide show in a couple of days.
Felt sick again for a few hours but it's gone again. Tomorrow will be just around here.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Jasmer Challenge
Success! Lori, Pam and I have been trying to complete our Jasmer chart - finding a cache placed in every month since May 2000. Today they climbed a mountain in Utah to find Potter's Pond - the last one! Lori and Pam were brilliant in panning how to find this remote spot.
I looked for another one while they were gone and ended up in the middle of a flock of sheep being driven up the trail by a man on horseback. Got some great photos. The whole area is magnificent. Lots of little wilderness camp spots and people on ATVs and horses.
We then went to an event in the camp ground, met some local cachers (and one we met in Seattle last month!) and had a great lunch. The man organizing the event cooked stew and desserts in big cast iron Dutch ovens. He sat them on some briquets and then put some on the lid. Delicious.
We headed off to Vernal in Eastern Utah, finding more Earthcaches along the way. The fellow in the first hotel was not on the ball and finally decided he didn't have a room with 3 beds. Best Western Antler came through for us. Found 5 more caches in the dark after dinner to get Pam to 100 for the day of te month.
I was sick most of the afternoon. Another GERD attack that might have been caused by the elevation. We were over 9,000 feet twice. It settled down after a few hours and I had poached eggs and toast for dinner.
I looked for another one while they were gone and ended up in the middle of a flock of sheep being driven up the trail by a man on horseback. Got some great photos. The whole area is magnificent. Lots of little wilderness camp spots and people on ATVs and horses.
We then went to an event in the camp ground, met some local cachers (and one we met in Seattle last month!) and had a great lunch. The man organizing the event cooked stew and desserts in big cast iron Dutch ovens. He sat them on some briquets and then put some on the lid. Delicious.
We headed off to Vernal in Eastern Utah, finding more Earthcaches along the way. The fellow in the first hotel was not on the ball and finally decided he didn't have a room with 3 beds. Best Western Antler came through for us. Found 5 more caches in the dark after dinner to get Pam to 100 for the day of te month.
I was sick most of the afternoon. Another GERD attack that might have been caused by the elevation. We were over 9,000 feet twice. It settled down after a few hours and I had poached eggs and toast for dinner.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Idaho to Utah
We started out early and Pam and Lori climbed a mountain to snag Idaho's Oldest Cache. It was a hot climb on a very steep slope.
Spent sometime at Antelope State Park and grabbed some Earthcaches while watching antelope and buffalo roaming free.
It was 9 by the time we made Fairview, UT and very dark. We are in a little motel but it is clean and has 3 beds.
Spent sometime at Antelope State Park and grabbed some Earthcaches while watching antelope and buffalo roaming free.
It was 9 by the time we made Fairview, UT and very dark. We are in a little motel but it is clean and has 3 beds.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Matt took me to the airport this morning. I was nice and early so sat and read my newspapers (on the iPad). Lot of walking to get through baggage and customs after Lori and Pam arrived. We were flying Air Alaska but it was a very small Delta plane.
Arrived in Salt Lake City at 4 local time (1 hr 45 min). More walking. Our rental is a black Jeep SUV. Lori drove to Pocatello, Idaho and we found 6 caches along the way, including 2 Earth Caches. Pam and I need a bunch of these. Applebee's was close to our Best Western for dinner.
Arrived in Salt Lake City at 4 local time (1 hr 45 min). More walking. Our rental is a black Jeep SUV. Lori drove to Pocatello, Idaho and we found 6 caches along the way, including 2 Earth Caches. Pam and I need a bunch of these. Applebee's was close to our Best Western for dinner.
All packed
Rough time last night. The pain in my left leg came back. Got up and took a couple of pain killers and it eventually eased.
Quiet day of reading and packing. Think I've just about got it done. Tomorrow, Lori, Pam & I fly to Salt Lake City for some geocaching in Utah & Idaho.
Met Moira for Japanese dinner at Applause.
Quiet day of reading and packing. Think I've just about got it done. Tomorrow, Lori, Pam & I fly to Salt Lake City for some geocaching in Utah & Idaho.
Met Moira for Japanese dinner at Applause.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Birch Bay
Pam needed numbers today so we headed down to the Blaine & Birch Bay area. Lucky we were in the Nexus lane as the other traffic was down to one lane and it wasn't moving. It is 9/11 and there is always a large rally of first responders at Peace Arch. It really looked impressive.
I logged 13 caches and Pam had 25. A very good day. The sun was shining and we were along the beach quite a bit. Had a good lunch at Bob's Burgers.
Finally got home at 7 and I am tired!
I logged 13 caches and Pam had 25. A very good day. The sun was shining and we were along the beach quite a bit. Had a good lunch at Bob's Burgers.
Finally got home at 7 and I am tired!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
How to waste time
Met Pam this afternoon and found a few caches in Richmond with her. Needed her climbing and crawling abilities! And her perseverance!
Went to Staples in Burnaby and then London Drugs. LD didn't have the microSD card I wanted, so I went to the one on Kingsway & then to the one on Victoria Drive. Got it home and couldn't unlock the stupid thing. Wasted a lot of time on it. Hate technology!!!!
Went to Staples in Burnaby and then London Drugs. LD didn't have the microSD card I wanted, so I went to the one on Kingsway & then to the one on Victoria Drive. Got it home and couldn't unlock the stupid thing. Wasted a lot of time on it. Hate technology!!!!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Ladner Village Market
Took Pru to the Ladner Village Market this morning. Saw several friends. We bought enough that we had to make a trip to the car to empty our bags. I had my wheelie so could buy what I wanted - cheese, chocolate, bread, dip...
Had lunch at Sharkey's and then home to get her Kobo working. Finally succeeded but her computer needs to be put out of its misery.
Was realy tired and sore. Think the change in the weather is playing havoc with my arthritis. We avoided rain but there were a few drops.
Had lunch at Sharkey's and then home to get her Kobo working. Finally succeeded but her computer needs to be put out of its misery.
Was realy tired and sore. Think the change in the weather is playing havoc with my arthritis. We avoided rain but there were a few drops.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Art Vallis
Watched the Lions demolish Montreal this afternoon and then went to Richmond to find some caches. Logged 4. Another was just out of my reach. Miss the days when I could clamber anywhere. Had dinner at Pajo's on the beach at Garry Point.
One of my favourite principals has died:
One of my favourite principals has died:
January 4 1927 August 29 2012 Arthur Fraser Vallis was born in New Jerusalem, NB on January 4th 1927 and died, with family at his side, August 29, 2012. The family would like to thank the Palliative Care team at St. Paul's hospital for the care they gave to Art in his final weeks. A generous, kind and ethical man, his passing leaves a void in the lives of family and friends. Predeceased by his first wife Joan (nee Mitchell), Art is survived by: his loving wife Marian Reid, his sister Helen MacKay (Stewart), his sons Ron (Julie Hicks), John (Andrea) and Blair (Claudia Gerber) and his beautiful grand-daughters Sonya, Elaine, Marlena and Eliza.
Art was a master teacher and a highly respected administrator. In the 60's Art and other teachers started a program "Painting in the Parks" for children. He was past president of the Vancouver Elementary Administrators' Association, the BC Arts in Education Council and the Vancouver Retired Teachers 'Association. He was an instructor and Past Commander for the Seymour Power Squadron , a founding member of the False Creek Yacht Club and an avid boater. Retired for many years, Art and Marian traveled extensively around the world and made many lasting friends.
"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."
Art's life has ended; the effect of it will continue to unfold.
A service of Remembrance will be held for Art, at McKenzie Elementary School auditorium (960 East 39th Ave. Vancouver) on Sunday September 23rd at 1:00 p.m. followed by a Reception at the False Creek Yacht Club (1661 Granville)
Donations in memory of Art Vallis can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Went back to a multi that defeated me this morning and finally found it. Don't know how I missed the first stage before.
Went to Mary Locke's for the annual VTLA BBQ that she puts on. Great evening to sit outside.
Went to Mary Locke's for the annual VTLA BBQ that she puts on. Great evening to sit outside.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Goals met
Pam and I set out with the goals of getting lots of multis and getting her to 100 (she needed 12). We wandered over Vancouver, Burnaby, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Coquitlam and New Westminster. Couldn't find a couple and couldn't park anywhere near a couple of others.
Stopped at Port Moody for a good Japanese lunch at Sango. Made it home just after 6. I only need 1 more multi and Pam has her 100!
Stopped at Port Moody for a good Japanese lunch at Sango. Made it home just after 6. I only need 1 more multi and Pam has her 100!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Lunch with Pru
Got a note from the cache owner for the multi I couldn't find. She corrected my mistake and I grabbed it this morning. I had been right next to it yesterday. Still not sure what my mistake was but she said several cachers got it wrong.
Support group for women with metastatic cancer this morning. There were only 4 of us so everyone had a lot of time to talk.
Picked up Pru and we had lunch at Coco Et Olive on Mail St. Excellent soup and panini. Went to the house to try to get her Kobo working but gave up. Took it home to try and I think it is the cable.
Support group for women with metastatic cancer this morning. There were only 4 of us so everyone had a lot of time to talk.
Picked up Pru and we had lunch at Coco Et Olive on Mail St. Excellent soup and panini. Went to the house to try to get her Kobo working but gave up. Took it home to try and I think it is the cable.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
First day of school luncheon
Needed 5 caches today. Found 4 before lunch. Didn't find a few, including a multi that I thought I had the solution for at Langara. I've written the owner for a nudge.
Lunch with about a dozen VESTA women at Dockside in the Granville Is. Hotel. It was actually cold in the shade with the breeze off the water. Had halibut/salmon and lemon/blueberry creme brule. Excellent food. Slow service but we weren't in any hurry.
Maureen walked around the seawall a ways to watch me find the 5th cache of the day. Made my 100. One more day to go.
Lunch with about a dozen VESTA women at Dockside in the Granville Is. Hotel. It was actually cold in the shade with the breeze off the water. Had halibut/salmon and lemon/blueberry creme brule. Excellent food. Slow service but we weren't in any hurry.
Maureen walked around the seawall a ways to watch me find the 5th cache of the day. Made my 100. One more day to go.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Went around Langara golf course looking for parts of an old multi. Think I have it solved and will look for the final Tuesday - need 5 to make my 100 for the date.
Had lunch at IHOP and shopped at Cobbs.
Had lunch at IHOP and shopped at Cobbs.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Found it
Pam and I have been working on a multi in Richmond. We found the first stage together & then I went to the next 3. Pam had to do the last one as it meant climbing the stairs in a tower near the casino. We couldn't figure out one word but we decided on what it should be. Went to the coordinates this morning and found it!
Thought about doing more but was a bit sore, so went home and watched a couple of movies - Cowboys & Aliens and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Perfect afternoon.
Thought about doing more but was a bit sore, so went home and watched a couple of movies - Cowboys & Aliens and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Perfect afternoon.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Multis in Abbotsford
Out to Abbotsford this morning for a geocaching event. Met several friends. Stayed for about an hour.
Found a couple of multis (I need 9 right now). Spent a long time on another but couldn't reach it. I sent the coordinates to the owner and he confirmed that I was at the right spot but I'll have to return with Lori and Pam.
Lunch at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Abbotsford. Not as good as the one downtown.
Home by 5. Watched the Whitecaps lose to LA.
Found a couple of multis (I need 9 right now). Spent a long time on another but couldn't reach it. I sent the coordinates to the owner and he confirmed that I was at the right spot but I'll have to return with Lori and Pam.
Lunch at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Abbotsford. Not as good as the one downtown.
Home by 5. Watched the Whitecaps lose to LA.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Stood up
Picked up a couple of packages in Point Roberts. Traffic through the tunnel was slow and it was almost stopped going back. Dropped off old GPS at Pam's for Maureen. Stayed for a cup of tea.
The tunnel was still bad so I went over the Fraser Bridge. Found 3 parts to a multi cache but the last one was climbing stairs up a little tower. Pass.
Moira called last night to suggest Applause for dinner tonight. Looked forward to it all day but she forgot. Couldn't get her on the phone so ended up at the White Spot once the Lions game was done.
The tunnel was still bad so I went over the Fraser Bridge. Found 3 parts to a multi cache but the last one was climbing stairs up a little tower. Pass.
Moira called last night to suggest Applause for dinner tonight. Looked forward to it all day but she forgot. Couldn't get her on the phone so ended up at the White Spot once the Lions game was done.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Another 100
Passed 100 for the 30th and only have 2 more days to go to complete my challenge of 100 for each day of the month and each month and at least one for 366 days.
Pam and I cleaned up a lot of holes on our map in Delta, White Rock & Surrey. We had a good lunch at Ricky's.
Pam needed this one. We did it in the daylight and didn't meet any police as these two cachers did:
Pam and I cleaned up a lot of holes on our map in Delta, White Rock & Surrey. We had a good lunch at Ricky's.
Pam needed this one. We did it in the daylight and didn't meet any police as these two cachers did:
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