Thursday, September 30, 2010

Harrison Hot Springs

Dropped library book off at Pru's this morning and was on my way before 9:00.  Stopped in PoCo for brunch at IHOP and then to Mission for 7 caches.

Arrived at Harrison about 3:00 and sat in the pool for 1/2 an hour.  The water really felt good on my sore joints.

Had dinner at the Chilliwack Airport - chicken stew with biscuits and peach/blackberry pie.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lazy day

My headache was finally gone today but it tired me out so I just stayed in and finished my James Lee Burke book, Glass Rainbow, so I could get it to Pru while there's still a couple of weeks before it has to go back to the library.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Woke up with a headache and it lingered throughout the day.  An excuse to watch PVR and read.

Sadie started walking with a walker today and the doctor says the bones have healed.  I told her she'd be running by Halloween.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Home again

Lori got up at 7 this morning and headed off with her sister-in-law.  They took the logging road to Lake Cowichan that we were on yesterday.  They were aiming at finding the remaining 80 of the 100 caches.

Pam and I stayed in bed for a bit and then had breakfast in the hotel.  We started off just before 9 and found caches in Port Alberni.  Stopped at Tim Horton's for lunch and then worked our way back to Coombs.  Even found one in Cathedral Grove.

Picked up several loaves of bread at Coombs and then off to the ferry at Duke Point.  We boarded the 5:45 and had dinner on board.  I was home at 8:45.

Found 17 caches today for a total of 70 for the weekend - now at 1077.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Port Alberni Geo-Cathlon

Attended 3rd Annual event at the McLean "Steam" Sawmill outside town. It drizzled and rained on and off but was quite warm. We walked "a lot" and I was glad when we finished the 10 caches. I won a door prize and bought a few things.

Lori's sister-in-law took us to some more caches and drove us part way up the logging road she and Lori will do tomorrow. We found the 1st 20 of the 100. My knees acted up in the back of the truck and it hurt climbing down so I read the clues and others got drenched!

I am now at 1,061 - 54 in 2 days.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Killer whales

Picked up Lori and Pam and started off for a geocaching event in Port Alberni. A pod of about 50 killer whales entertained us before the ferry left.

I am now at 1,027 caches. We stopped for tea at Lori's mom's in Parksville and dinner under the goats at Coombs. Drizzled on and off.

We are now in a Howard Johnson.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Access denied

Picked up Mae and arrived at the Cancer Agency just in time for my 10:30 chemo.  Everything went quickly and I was out in under an hour.  Good music on my iPhone and a good book help.

Out to Richmond to return something to Chapters and picked up lunch in one of the Chinese malls.

Talked to Matt tonight.  Sadie is not having an easy time at school.  She loves Kindergarten and they like the teacher.  At first she was denied access as she was in a wheelchair.  That changed the next day but she was not allowed to take part in the Terry Fox Run because there were stairs or a hill.  Now she is not allowed to use the elevator with the daycare teacher who takes the class to the afternoon kindergarten class.  What the fuck?

I used my connections to get the story to an Associate Superintendent.  See how long that principal keeps making stupid decisions.  So much for inclusiveness.

Sadie is just zooming along in her recovery and should be using a walker next week. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Check up day

Bloodwork at 9:45 this morning and then saw an oncologist at 11.  It was a new one today and she said I seemed just fine and to carry on.

Picked up a couple of books at VPL and a few groceries and then home.  Too tired to do much of anything.  Dozed a bit in the afternoon.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1,007 caches

Picked up Pam and headed across the border this morning.  We found caches from Birch Bay to Bellingham and back.  My count was 26 for a total of 1,007.  This month is now my best ever at 94.

Lunch was at the Shrimp Shack and dinner was at Taco Bell.  Filled up with gas at COSTCO for $2.85.  The range of prices at the different stations was nuts.  I think the highest was $3.59.
Our last couple were in the dark so we finally decided to come home.  The border was fine once we explained geocaching and I was home by 9.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cactus Club

Had a quiet day just reading and watching TV.

Met Louise at the Cactus Club for dinner and then we went to our support group.  Cost me $15 to park at the Cancer Agency.  It is just so unfair to overcharge cancer patients.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cleaning day

Mel and her kids came today to clean and do the laundry.  The sun came out a bit when they left but decided to just stay in and watch TV (PVR).  Like the new Sherlock series.  Also like the new Jimmy Smits, Outlaw.  Recorded Boarwalk Empire and will watch later.

My blog is getting a lot of hits from the U.S. as someone with my name was murdered.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


The BCTLA Executive met at the BCTF building from 9 - 4 today.  We always seem to end on the last item on the agenda.  With the new constitution this was the first time I've had a vote and it felt good.  

We walked to the Wicklow Pub in False Creek for lunch.  Good food and service.

I was tired enough that I just went straight home at the end of the day.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Personal GPS service

Thought it was going to rain all day so decided to stay in, especially since I have been out every day for a while.  Of course that meant the sun came out!

Moira called on the way to Harrrison Hot Springs.  Her ride went early so she had to drive.  I stayed on the phone for over an hour and took her over the Knight St Bridge, on the N/W connector to the Fraser Bridge, down 88th to 200th and across Golden Ears, then out Lougheed.  She took a few wrong turns (onto Dewdney Trunk) but I got her there and avoided all rush hour traffic jams and bridge construction.

After all that driving  I didn't feel like cooking so went to the White Spot.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Another caching day

Felt pretty good to start the day but finally had some problems and threw up a bit in the afternoon.  Headed home after that.

Found 6 caches - along 0 Avenue, in Abbotsford and Langley.  Total is now 981 - 19 to go!!

It drizzled in the morning but was quickly hot.  Might be the last break until our Geocaching Tuesday comes around again.

Just had some soup and a scone for dinner.  Maybe now it's time for some more tea.

Support group

Went to the Women with Metastatic Cancer Group at the Cancer Agency today.  We actually had a proper tea with treats from the Secret Garden in Kerrisdale.  Great way to start a day.  Always helps to meet with others in the same boat.  All of us know we aren't going to "get better" but we just want to live with our diseases.

The day was nice so I found 3 caches in Delta and 2 in Surrey.  Did some shopping on Scott Road - birthday present at Chapters, pens and an iPhone battery booster at Staples and money at VanCity.  Was home in time for Murder She Wrote at 4.

Woke up with a headache but took a painkiller early and it stayed away.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Burnaby Lake bonanza!

Met Lori and Pam at Burnaby Lake for our 2nd Tuesday of caching.  We left Lori's car at the first stop and I drove them around the lake to park mine.  We then walked back to Lori's.  During the celebration of geocaching's 10th birthday, caches were hidden around the lake.  The rules state that they must be separated by a minimum of 0.1 miles (528 feet or 161 m).  We found a new one every 161 m!

Finally found Lori's car and drove to Lougheed Hwy for lunch at a pub.  Then back down a road on the south side of the lake for some more finds.  Wandered around a bit and then went to Anni's for dinner.  She fed us lasagna and peach pie.  Wonderful!
Lori took me back to my car and we found a final cache close by to bring our total to 36.  This beat my previous record of 28 in a day and my total is now 970.

Had planned on charging my iPhone during the night but forgot to turn on the power bar.  That resulted in the charge being completely drained.  Boosted it with the car charger and battery backup but it finally gave up the ghost.  Must be better organized.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Had an appointment at St. Paul's today to have tests to check that the pill I take for the Sjogren's isn't damaging my eyes.  I passed with flying colours.  Two were for colour and one was to check periferal vision.

Picked up Mae at 3:15 and we went to Chris's funeral.  Saw many friends.  Another from my retreat group gone.


KLEINER, Christiane August 20, 1961 to September 8, 2010 Our beautiful and beloved Christiane has slipped away. Family and friends in Canada, Germany and the United States mourn. A memorial service will be held at St. Margaret's Cedar Cottage Anglican Church (1530 E. 22nd Avenue) on Monday, September 13 at 4 pm. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a gift to the Callanish Society (
Mae needed  prescription from London Drugs so we ate at the salad bar in Whole foods while we waited.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rainy day

Went out in the rain this morning to return an overdue library book.  Kept renewing it and just couldn't care enough to finish it.  Picked up a latte and then off to the last day of the Ladner Market.  Started with a halibut burger and loaded up on tomatoes, jam, pickles, pickled beets, homous, tarts...

Spent the afternoon watching the last 6 episodes of 24 that I had been saving.  Power corrupts!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Go Lions

After 7 losses, we creamed Toronto and are in 3rd place.  Much better game.

Spent the day reading and watching TV.  My gut is a bit upset so didn't want to stray far from home.


Did a load of laundry this morning.  Also carried printer to car and will try to give it away tonight - heavy!

Picked up a steak at IGA and then to Mary's for the annual VTLA Executive BBQ.  They invited a Pam & I even though we are retired.  Lovely evening and even found a new home for the printer.

Pretty achy and tired so didn't stay very late.  Another member of our Callanish retreat died this week.  Our little group is now so small!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blood clot

Picked up Mae and was at the Cancer Agency for my 10:00 blood test.  Saw my trial nurse and she said the latest CT-Scan shows the blood clot that was sitting on top of the port-a-cath is now gone!  The heart specialist had said we had 3 choices - take out the port, go on blood thinners or wait and see.  We all voted for door number 3 and ended up being right.

Had a new nurse for chemo today and it went really smoothly.  Visited with Mae and Darline a bit.

Out to Richmond for some fresh produce and a few things at London Drugs.  Celebrated with an ice cream cone (chocolate, raspberries, walnuts) at Marble Slab.

Lee Valley

Didn't feel well this morning so didn't get up until after 10 and stayed in until late afternoon.

I do like the service at Lee Valley.  Took the cane back I bought in April.  It got stuck in the dirt on Sunday and came apart when I pulled.  Turned out there is a point beyond which you shouldn't extend it.  I had seen that mark but couldn't help it.  I was all ready to buy a new one since it was my fault and they exchanged it!  

Stocked up on groceries at Safeway.  I was out of everything!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Went to the RTA's TGIF (Thank God I'm Free) lunch today with Pam and Lori.  New president announced my replacement for the newsletter but never thanked me for the years I've been on the executive.  Good indication it was time to leave.

Lunch was good and I saw several old friends.

We then changed our clothes and headed off for an afternoon of caching in the sun.  This is the 1st of our geocaching Tuesdays.  If it is raining, we'll stay in and solve puzzles.
Finally home around 5:45.  Needed groceries for dinner but stopped at White Spot on the way instead.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer isn't over

Rainy today but I am depending on the sun returning.  I am sleeping better now it is cooler.

Fiddled the day away doing some paperwork and bills.  Spent some time on geocaching puzzles and loaded them in my GPS.

Caching with Chris

Cousin Chris went caching with me and we had a very enjoyable and succesful afternoon.  He is a quick study and found several.  

At one little park I sent him over the fence to find one on the slope I previously hurt myself on.  We even went into the Camosun Bog to solve an Earth Cache.  A very impressive restoration project and a cool place to walk on a sunny day.  We even got one near the blue whale skeleton behind the book store.

Today's total was 7 for a total of 927.  1000 isn't far away and Lori is only 137 ahead of me.  Of course now she is back in town that gap will widen again.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Coquitlam caches

Felt better today so headed to Coquitlam to find some caches.  Stopped at the Waffle House for brunch.  

Visited Matt and family for a bit and then shopped at Thrifty's.

Found some more caches in Burnaby for a total of 7 (920).

Lost my mail key on the way in the building and can't see it anywhere.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Felt much better today but stayed in.  I actually got through one of the stacks of paper around the computer.  Amazing how much accumulates when so much is online.

Enjoyed the Lions rout of Montreal.  Don't know where the team has been hiding for the last 7 games.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Off to a poor start this morning. Didn't feel great but went out anyways. Forgot my pills so had to climb the stairs again. Stopped at Safeway to buy a pass for the PNE and a. Woman rushing to cut in front of me slipped on some water and fell. The box if Coke broke open and I was dinges on the leg by a couple. No apology and the staff could have cared less about me.

Then to VanCity for cash before heading to the fair. Always arrive just as the gates open and park right across from the main gate. Started with a Fisher's scone. Walked up to the midway for some gambling and shooting. Lunch was a BBQ pulled pork sandwich with perogies washed down with a Buckeye root beer. Remembered to bring my own water this time. Worked through the building and bought a shopping cart. Didn't feel too perky and kept needing a bathroom, so didn't stay long.

Fell asleep when I got home.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Eye exam

Went to a new eye doctor because of the medication I am on for the Sjogren's.  It can cause problems, including cataracts, so I must be checked annually.  They did a bunch of things and everything is okay except the beginnings of a cataract in the right eye.  The floaters and flashes I had are just a result of "getting older".  I still need one more test at St. Paul's.

Unpacked the new printer and got it going.  My main computer and netbook are both printing wirelessly.  I bought an app called ePrint ($2.99) and can now print with my iPhone and iPad.  This is what the man at Best Buy said was impossible!