Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quiet Sunday

This is one of my "let's not even get dressed" days. I took a painkiller last night and my arthitis has settled down today.

Spent the day reading the paper, tweaking some websites and watching Hurricane Gustav. Updated Internet Explorer to Beta 8 version. Good improvements and it lets you see a page in the old environment if it doesn't work in the new.

Decided to have some wine with dinner and the cork wouldn't budge. Finally broke enough of the top off the cork that I could shove the rest down. Quite thirsty by the end of that effort! Had to use a strainer to pour.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Blueberry Pie

Lent a couple of fives to my landlady and she came back to say the store scanned one of them and it is counterfeit! I think it has the wrong signatures for 2002. I called my credit union and they say I'll have to take it to the police. Probably came from the PNE.

Picked up a couple of books at the Library, then to London Drugs & the fresh vegetable market in Richmond.

Met Moira at White Spot - pizza & blueberry pie.

My arthritis is really a pain this week - shoulder, legs, knees, hands...


Made it to the PNE today just at 11:00. Parked in the lot across from the front gate. Started with a Fisher Scone. Wore a jacket but it didn't rain much at all and by the afternoon the sun came out and it was hot.

Won a big monkey with the crossbow. Had to go back to the car to unload him. Gambled at the new slots in the race track. I'll never make a living at it. Wandered around for 5 hours and saw a little bit of everything. Was finally too sore and tired to do more and left with my usual collection of booty.

Stopped to give the monkey and a couple of other things to Matt. He is still in pain but it is better than it was.

Met Moira at Applause, our new favourite Japanese restaurant. I can always manage to eat enough with having to take the raw fish.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Andrea called at 8:30 to say that Matt was waiting in Starbucks at VGH for her to pick him up. So I rolled over and slept until 10:30. He called later in the day to say he was doing much better than last night.

Went out for a haircut but was still pretty tired so just came straight home.

Watched the end of the Democratic Convention. Liked the tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and Susan Eisenhower. Obama nailed his speach.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Matt's surgery

Dropped Nancy's birthday present off at Weir and visited for a bit. Went to Chapters at Metrotown to find a book for Matt and stopped at the White Spot for lunch.

The clerk said Matt wasn't back from surgery yet, even though Andrea was told he was in recovery. I sat in the lounge until 2:30 & tried again. This time the nurse called down and found that he was still in surgery. I went home (and fell asleep).

Back to the hospital at 6 and they found he had been sent to the wrong floor - for those going home. Andrea arrived just before they wheeled him up. Poor babe was in a lot of pain. Sharron was with him but quickly left.

Hopefully the next pain meds will do more good and he will be able to come home tomorrow.

Stopped at Pru's to watch a bit of the convention (

Picked up dinner at Tim Horton's since it was beginning to rain and I didn't have my jacket.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I am blogging at the 2nd day of the TL Summer Institute. I bought a lottery ticket this morning and won $50. Then I was able to get everyone's computer connected to the VSB wireless network. A good day!

Enjoyed the second day of the Summer Institute and learned some new Web 2.0 tricks. I kept blogging and taking photos. We had to be out of the school by 3:00.

Killed some time in Chapters and then met a group of TLs at Cactus Club. Good to see so many old friends.

Matt is having surgery on his shoulder in the morning so I'll visit after he is awake.

I stayed up late to watch the rerun of the Democratic Convention. Hilary made a brilliant speach.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Changing Landscapes of School Libraries

Had to use 3 alarms to make sure I was awake at 7 this morning. Met Moira at Lord Byng at 8 for the TL Summer Institute. I helped with registration and then spent the day creating a blog.

I was an alternate for the BC Retired Teachers' Association
AGM and now am a delegate (September 17 & 18). Talked with Janie about the Callanish Retreat in November and I am now going!

Glad I was home in time to watch the Democratic Convention tonight. Caroline & Edward Kennedy were inspiring and Michelle Obama was amazing.

If you missed Barack's speach at the last convention, here it is.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Goodbye Beijing

The Olympics ended and I found the final ceremony really boring! It was a relief when the British performers appeared. You can only take thousands of people acting like robots for so long.

Poor John - can't count his houses!

Had a quiet inside day today. Busy week coming up.

Heard from Mary M for the first time in ages!


Forgot to post last night.

Attended memorial tea for Katherine at Callanish. Room was filled with her friends and family. She would have been embarrassed at the turnout and the comments. Drove the long way through the UBC bush to get there and by Spanish Banks & UBC to get home. The trees helped to ground me.

Looks like I will be able to go on the Cannish Retreat for 7 days in November at Brew Creek Lodge, near Whistler.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


The Geek Squad tech arrived this morning and quietly went to work on my computers. I am now wireless and my laptop even prints! The iTouch also fits in seemlessly.

Went shopping in Richmond and bought a roll of Lucky Loonies for my geocaching lesson next Thursday.

Went to Marilyn's retirement party at her house in Coquitlam. Traffic jams made me late but my trusty GPS got me there - I did change my route a couple of times to avoid Hwy 1. Nice to see so many friends - some from my 1st school in the 70's.

Stopped at Thrifty's on the way home so I won't need groceries again for a few days. What an amazing view even in the dark!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Rolley Lake

Picked up Matt at the Starbucks near Broadway & Commercial. He had a latte for me. After stopping at his apartment to turn stuff off, we set out on our road trip. He needed to get out. His CT Scan on the broken shoulder is tomorrow.

We roamed Coquitlam Centre & lunched at IHOP and then set off up the old Dewdney Trunk. Our goal was the Provincial campsite at Rolley Lake where we used to camp when the boys were little. I can remember when you had to pump the water. Now it has showers & a kids' playground. The beach was empty since it had rained earlier. Still the perfect camping spot - no engines on the lake, it is stocked with trout and there is a trail all the way around.

Stopped at Mission for cheap gas and then home via the Barnet - no traffic at all.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Best Laid Plans

Confusing day. I set my alarm so I would be up and dressed by the time the Geek Squad arrived to install my wireless. Instead I got a call to say the man was sick & they'll come Friday.

I was going to hang out with Matthew but he was too tired and sore to do anything but cocoon.

So I spent the day with the Olympics and several electronic games. It was raining so didn't mind not going out.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


It is pouring tonight but I managed to avoid it each time I was out.

Went to Steveston to buy a Baggalini Messanger Bag at Jet-Lag Travel Fashion Boutique. Picked up some Halibut & Chips at Pajo's Fish and Chips at Garry Point Park. Sat on a bench near the beach and ate while watching the river traffic.

Used a coupon at Staples for a new mouse pad - that Teacher Card is going to last forever. Sat in front of Future Shop to syn my iTouch.

Met Moira at Applause for Japanese dinner and then to Starbucks for a Vivanno Chocolate Banana. Certainly addictive!

My Shaw stopped working tonight. I sat on hold for about 1/2 an hour (reading & watching Olympics). The tech decided that it was the wireless router so I took it off and things worked fine. Funny thing is it never worked as wireless & the Geek Squad is coming tomorrow to install a new powerful one. I will be able to use the laptop & iTouch with it.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Couldn't find a bill I need so I sorted through several files of bills, manuals, etc. Shredded everything that I couldn't read, remember what it was or didn't own anymore. Still didn't find what I was looking for.

Met Louise at the Cactus Club for our monthly dinner and then went to the Lesbian Cancer Support Group. Sad without Katherine.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


When he was younger, this stuff was easier. Nephew Matt broke his shoulder on the beach today - skimboarding!

Did a lot of work today on the Retired Teachers' web site & on my piles of papers.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


A really hot day and I ended up going out 3 times instead of just sitting on the balcony with my lemonade & book.

Didn't like the leather case I bought for my iTouch so took it back to Best Buy. Ordered a wireless router & the Geek Squad is coming to set it up. The installation special included a free router and is actually the cost of the router without installation. I tried a cheap one and it kills the signal enough that I can't watch TV or listen to radio on my computer. This will also work with my laptop & iTouch. Several of the iTouch programs need wireless to work.

Then I put the iTouch in the replacement leather pouch only to find it didn't fit and I couldn't get it out. Back to Best Buy and the returns clerk forced it out. I'll wait a bit to see if new containers are put out.

Picked up Mae at St. Paul's at 7:00. Connie has been in the hospital for over a week now and everyone is really getting worn down. We had dinner at Zeffirelli's on Robson.

The Cactus Club downstairs has free WiFi so the iTouch actually worked. We could see a Canadian on the bar TV getting a medal so I went to CBC to find that it was Ryan Cochrane from Victoria. Then we saw Michael Phelps win his 8th gold medal. The restaurant erupted into chears and applause. Couldn't have been louder if we had been in the U.S.

Lost friend

BOURKE Katherine Anne October 3, 1962 - August 11, 2008

After a lengthy battle with colon cancer, fought with an abundance of courage, grace and humor, Katherine passed away peacefully in Vancouver, BC. Predeceased by her father Thomas (Tom), she is survived by her loving family: mother Jean, brother Stephen, and family and friends in Canada, Scotland, and New Zealand.

A tea celebrating Katherine's life will be held at 3:00 pm on Saturday, August 23, 2008 at the Callanish Society, 2277 W. 10th Avenue, Vancouver.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the charity of your choice.


Bought an Apple iTouch today. Now I guess I have to buy a wireless hub to make it work to its full potential.

Went to a few stores for groceries & to the library and felt like I'd been out all day. It was just so muggy. Made me think I was in Beijing!

I am going to bed now (2:30) - Canada has won 3 medals and I have heard the anthem played. My letter was in the Sun yesterday.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hot day today. I sat on the balcony & read most of the day. Then more Olympics.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Went for a drive today up the Sea to Sky. Stopped at Britannia Beach for fish & chips at the Blue Bus. Bought a couple of things at the CRS Trading Post - it is full of great local art.

Surprised that a parking meter in Whistler was only $2 for 2 hours and right next to the Lower Village. Spent about an hour wandering. It was really hot and there were dirt bikes everwhere for a big competition.

Back to Porteau Cove where I ate the picnic I bought at Max's Deli. Too windy to read the paper but sat with my book for a couple of hours.

Took photos from Cypress Bowl on the way back.

Sea to Sky Drive

Lazy Day

Woke up with a headache so I didn't even open the apartment door today. Got caught up on reading, bills, etc.

Hope VANOC has the sense not to fake things in 2010!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Finally rebooked dentist after cancelling in November because I was so sick. First check-up since May 2007! I need a little bridge to replace pulled tooth on top so booked appointments. Haven't seen my own dentist for a couple of years - she has been on holidays or maternity leave. Luck for me she is in practice with her father and I really trust him.

Shopped at Granville Island.

Katherine died last night. She was one of the bravest women I've ever known.

Road Trip

Off to Washington today. Stopped first for a Province & Starbuck's latte. There was a 90 minute wait at Peace Arch & the truck crossing so I went out Hwy 10 & the Fraser Hwy to Huntingdon and got through in 10 minutes. Found a good website with the Border Wait Times.

Wandered around the area east of Lynden and ended up back on I-5 near Bellingham. Down to Burlington so I could stock up on marmalade & jam from Harry & David's. Gassed up at Costco and then went back to Barnes & Noble near Bellis Fair. The mall closed as I arrived at 6 so I sat and read in a coffee shop to kill some time.

Picked Moira up at the Bellingham Airport at 7:40. We had dinner at the Olive Garden and drinks at Starbucks. There was a "police incident" at Peace Arch that closed the border ("The border was closed in both directions after a woman who was refused entry into the U.S. claimed she was carrying a "suspicious object in her bag." The explosives unit was called in to investigate...")

We stopped at the duty free shop at the truck crossing and cut in the front of the line so the wait was only about 15 minutes.

I was home at midnight after driving about 340 km.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Jane & Glenn called from a camera store. They are buying the same camera I have, Canon Rebel XTi.

Went to Mary L.'s house for lunch and we played with her photos on her Mac (iPhoto). I showed how to put them into Picasa Web Albums.

Watched Olympics today. Some online & some on TV.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympics Begin

Went out for groceries early today and watched the rerun of the Olympic Opening Ceremony at 10:00. I don't know how we can do any better in 2010 - they have set the bar high.

I wrote letters about Mayor Sam doing an interview on CBC where he implied that the Olympics are only taking place in Vancouver. The Whister Pique printed it!

Sat on the balcony for a while and then back inside to watch baseball, football & Olympics. I am watching the Lions right now and have the Olympics playing on my laptop (in my lap).


Went to Deas Island Regional Park for a picnic lunch and several hours of reading under a tree on the dyke. Lots of sun, breeze and fishing seals.

Tried to find fish & chips in Crescent Beach and White Rock but gave up and ate at home.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Terra Nova

Picked up Mae and 3:30 and we went for a long drive to enjoy the air conditioning in my car.

Picked up some fresh fruit & vegetables by the tunnel. Ended up at
Charthouse Restaurant in Steveston Harbour. I had a shrimp cocktail & teriyaki halibut. Delicious.

Stopped at
Terra Nova Rural Park and I took some great photos of eagles.

Terra Nova Rural Park

Took some raspberries and blueberries to Pru. Visited with her and Kelly for a bit. Kelly is off tonight to Ottawa and then to Georgetown for her PHD.


Today started out with a bang - literally.

I was listening to the news in bed and still half asleep when I heard a crash. A silver Dodge Caravan (?) was sitting next to a Honda SUV and then drove off. I could see that the passenger side front tire was shredded and the door panel ripped open. The first thing was to call 911 while I could still remember most of the licence plate number.

I went down and put notes on half a dozen cars that had been hit, from the corner of Marine & Laurel up to my building. This is why I park in the lot in the lane. Owners started arriving and the police came. The driver had been found in Richmond.

Cars, trucks and busses come off the Oak Street bridge and tear up our street to make a left turn at 70th since they can't at Oak & 70th. I have written the city and asked them to look at the problem. Maybe this much damage will get their attention.

Laurel Street Crash

Cleaning Day

Mel came with her daughters and did the cleaning & laundry. I love this little perk I give myself. I only wish I had done it years before.

It isn't like I did nothing. Before she came I put out the garbage & reclying and cleaned up my messes - good incentive. I even swept the balcony & washed the furniture.

Sat outside reading for a while and then watched Toronto & Seattle win their ball games.

I am feeling well except for my arthritic knees & fingers.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy B.C. Day

Dids bits and pieces of housework and computer work all day.

Took a couple of bottles of wine (Marley's Farm Kiwi and The Fort Peach Apricot) to Pru's for dinner with Kelly and Judy.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lily's Party

Finally unpacked from my trip.

To Matt's this afternoon to see Lily. She turns 1 on Tuesday.

Lily's First Birthday

Grocery shopping at Oakridge is a treat at 6:30 on a Sunday. The parking lot was empty and there were no lineups.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday at Rest

A lazy day today. Didn't even open the apartment door. Got caught up on papers, bills, reading and games. My Nintendo DS is addictive.

Here is a "before" photo I took of the cliff that fell down at Porteau Cove.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Cariboo Trip

I arrived back home at 19:00 after a total of 860 km this week. Today was a day of extremes. It was cloudy and chilly in Loon Lake but reached 25 by Lytton. Then it dropped to 17 at Boston Bar and the wind started blowing. I bought some Siska First Nation Huckleberry Jam and Herbal Tea (Huckleberry, Mint, Plantain & Red Raspberry). I must look for more Siska Traditions products.

Stopped near Boston Bar for a Buffalo Burger. The weather wasn't too bad until past Hope. Then I was in a massive rain storm that was scary to drive in. I tucked in behind a semi and just let him set the pace and guide me. At times you couldn't see the roadway. There was nowhere to safely pull off. Had to stop at Chilliwack Airport for a piece of raspberry pie to recover.

Stopped outside Chilliwack for bread, corn and raspberries and stopped at Pru's to share - I also had carrots, cucumbers & peaches from Ashcroft.

Finally ate dinner at about 21:00 after carting everything upstairs, reading the papers & having some wine - corn, carrots, tomato sandwich, peaches & raspberries. Thought I'd celebrate BC Day with BC goodies.

So glad to see a real Scrabble game on Facebook! I am already playing several.

Last Day at Lake

We had to stay inside today as it was just too cold outside. Only a couple of drizzles.

Jane and I played Scrabble all day. We are pretty close in our play and probably were evenly split in games won. I have joined the new Scrabble on Facebook and hope it works!

No boating, swimming or fishing, but good company and lots of food.

Created a new blog to share my recipes & those of friends