Saturday, June 28, 2008
Last night we had a barbecue and sat by the lake. Today was breakfast at Kaye's.
Great drive here. Lunch at Manning Park and then north from Princeton to catch the highway to Kelowna. I am staying on the beach with Angie in Westbank
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Where did the sun go?
Met Moira at Applause for dinner.
Road trip to Westbank/Kelowna tomorrow to consult with Angie & Al on the BCTLA web page and stuff.
Another sunny day
Started getting things ready for my trip to Westbank/Kelowna this weekend.
Had dinner at Dave's Fish & Chips in Steveston and then shopping at London Drugs.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Stopped at the post office to pick up British Columbia: Spirit of the People by one of my favourite local authors, Jean Barman. Arrived at Weir by 4 and visited a bit. Put all my photos from the retirement on the staffroom computer. They are showing them at the Friday breakfast.
Nancy and I had dinner at Maria's Taverna on 4th and then went to Vancouver Kidsbooks. Former Principal Vi Hughes read from her new book, Graveyard Hounds. The book sounds like a winner. Sharon Scott was also there. Haven't seen her since my retirement party.
Monday, June 23, 2008
George Carlin - RIP
All the YouTube of Carlin disappeared but there are great video & audio clips at Do you remember the 7 words you couldn't say on public airwaves?
Hauled my laundry to my favourite laundromat only to find it closed and gutted. Went to another in the same block. Won't go back. It was clean but old and sad.
Mary Polack as Minister of "Healthy Living"! Is this the reward for wasting millions in Surrey School Board money fighting a few picture books depicting gay parents. I went to every day of the trial and she was always there taking notes.
Remember the Bigots Ban Books campaign? This should take away any gay votes from the Liberals.
Met Louise, Gwen & Katherine for dinner at the Cactus Club. Our cancer support group was cancelled this month, so we had our own meeting.
No Cleaner
Nice to be able to sit in the sun on my balcony. Spent the day updating my music for my iPod and reading.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Red Cross
I was up early and started with breakfast at IHOP in Brentwood Mall. Arrived at the Red Cross at 8:30 and was met by Emma, the new Training and Development Coordinator. We had an hour to deal with setup glitches. I taught the class on working in the Call Centre. It was much easier this time even though it took forever for the Telus CallCentreAnywhere program to load on my laptop and I had to adlib without the projections. I find it quite irritating to hear talk show hosts complain that people don't volunteer anymore. They just don't hang around in the right places. The Red Cross depends on volunteers and they always seem to find plenty.
Stopped at Brentwood to shop and then home. Fell asleep watching the baseball game.
Moira and I had dinner at the White Spot. Her dog is sick and she didn't have the energy to cook. Neither did I!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Weir Retirements
Went to the Weir retirement party at Anita's tonight. Nice to see so many old friends.
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2008 Weir Retirement Party |
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tumour Markers

To Oakridge to use the gift certificate Vancouver TLs gave me for HMV. Picked up a prescription at Safeway and then filled up with gas ($50!).
Delivered a box of books from Victoria to Matt and visited a bit. He sent me home with fresh baked cookies!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Saw my oncologist at 8:45. She is very pleased at how I am doing. Whatever I've been doing, I am to continue.
Karen says the breast cancer is the same as the one in 1990 - 1993 was a different kind. She thinks that the Tamoxifen that I had for 5 years after 1993 depressed the cancer, as did menopause after the hysterectomy in 2000. It was then free to start spreading.
The fact that it reacted so dramatically to this new treatment is promising and she says we will just continue with the trial I am on. If the tumour markers move up a bit we won't worry. If they spike up then I'll be taken off the trial and we'll try another drug. Sounds like a plan to me.
I stopped at the VBE to return World Without End to Moira. The Superintendent, Chris Kelly, was having a party in the lobby to thank the staff for the work of the past year. I got coffee, cake & a great speech. He spoke earlier this morning at the Metro Vancouver Sustainability Discussion Forum. He needs teachers to hear his message. Maybe speeches like this should be taped & available on the VBE website.
Did some shopping at Chapters and Granville Island and then home.
If you want to have a treat open and just keep it in a corner of your desktop.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bedtime Was When?
Needless to say I didn't want to get up when the crows started at 6:00. I went back to sleep until 10:30 and decided to not even get dressed today.
I watched soccer & baseball and started a new book. Enjoyed the American Film Institute (AFI) show, AFI’s 10 TOP 10.
Have to be up early tomorrow for my 28 day check-up.
VESTA Retirement Dinner
The VESTA Retirement dinner was at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre. Great view from the balcony. Saw many old friends, retired and retiring. The speeches of the retirees were as entertaining as usual but it took until 10:00 to hear them all there were so many going this year. Susan Lambert, the BCTF VP was inspiring and should have been speaking to new teachers.
I took a lot of photos. This was the first time for my new flash and I wasn't totally satisfied with my work. I threw out a bunch. When I went outside for some shots I put the setting on landscape and forgot to put it back on people, so I had to deal with red eye on the later photos. Just shows that the setting does work.
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2008 VESTA Retirement Dinner |
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Car-Free Vancouver Day
Also watched Turkey come back from a 2-0 score with 15 minutes to go & win, Toronto lose, Tiger tie & South Pacific win.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Sunny Saturday
I have some mild side effects, so stayed in and didn't do much at all except read and watch soccer and baseball.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Summer close
Library and Safeway this morning.
Met Moira and her daughter for dinner at the White Spot tonight - taco salad. She let me borrow her copy of World Without End, the sequel to Pillars of the Earth. That should take care of this weekend.
I have to go back to my doctor Monday or Tuesday. I thought I had another refill on my esomeprazole (Nexium®), but don't. I am going to ask if I just keep taking it forever or do we try stopping. This is the one for the hiatus hernia.
"Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a newer class of medication. They work by blocking an enzyme necessary for acid secretion...PPIs have emerged as the most effective therapy for relieving symptoms and improving quality of life, as well as healing and preventing damage to the esophagus in people with hiatus hernia."
It's a good thing I have Extended coverage - it costs $67.40/28 days and I only pay $20.22 now I've passed my deductable of $300.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Picked up cleaning stuff at Canadian Tire and tackled my balcony. Ignored it last summer so it needed a lot of work. Too close to a big tree that sheds and no drainage when it rains.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I actually stayed a few nights in the Thomas Simpson Federal School (now the Thomas Simpson Secondary school) in the summer of 1966. I was part of a group in Fort Simpson, NWT for a Centennial Exchange tour. The sheets were rough flannel and the mattresses were covered with rubber. We were so far north there were blackout curtains on the windows. The nuns were in full habit and only spoke French - they were quite scary when we came upon them in the corridors.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Vancouver Branch of the Retired Teachers' Assoc. had their AGM & Luncheon today at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. Every time I go I meet another old friend. The oldest person there was 101 - 42 years to go!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Half way through Pillars of the Earth. I have to get through the 1000 pages in 7 days since it is a Quick Read from the library.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Happy Birthday, Pru
Went to Pru's 60th birthday party at the Sandhu's tonight. Luke & Jesse were also there. I will catch up to Pru next April. I guess I have to respect my elder again until then.

Front row, far right
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The Universal Gospel Choir
Picked up Mae & we had dinner at Maria's on 4th. We then collected Darline and went to the Canadian Memorial Church (Burrard St. and 15th Ave) to hear The Universal Gospel Choir in their Soulstice '08 concert - Come On Children, Let's Sing! Kathryn Nicholson, the Music Director, used to be the music therapist at the Cancer Agency. Her talent is amazing and we really miss her. We all met people we knew in the audience & in the choir. I even won the door prize - a set of their CDs (4)!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Stocked up on fresh groceries and then stayed in catching up on accounts and reading. Just watched 39 Steps.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Up at 7 and read my Sun & Province online. Bubba called at 9 and then I was on the road.
My first stop was at the Merridale Estate Cidery. Those listed in the wine pamphlet would do well if they were as helpful as these people. I tasted several ciders and bought a 6-pack of small bottles and one Cidre Normandie.
The next stop was Blue Grouse Vineyards & Winery. Not as welcoming as the others but the little valley was beautiful. I bought a couple of bottles here.
Drove on to Coombs and bought a bunch of bread and scones at The Old Country Market. Also several bottles of neat stuff. Alana recommended Bambo ozle's in Coombs. A fascinating shop. I wanted to buy some tea samplers at the House of Leaves at Bambo ozle, but they weren't eager to serve me and I wanted to catch the 3:00 ferry.
Had my first ride on the M/V Coastal Renaissance. It was a really smooth ride in spite of the wind. I explored the whole ship and it is impressive. I had a cup of tea and then sat in a window seat to enjoy the view.
Stopped to see Pru and then home. It took 3 trips to carry everything upstairs. Dinner was Coombs bread, cheese, pickles, pickled beets, olives and wine. Perfect!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Cowichan Bay
Drove around the valley and stopped at Cherry Point Vineyards for a tasting & bought a couple of bottles. Amazing how many wineries there are.
Took the ferry from Brentwood Bay to Mill Bay for the first time. Pretty little trip.
Walked to the Empress (1.5 km), shopping along the way. I had to visit Munro's Book Store. I bought 1 Christmas present and 3 CDs. They have a huge selection of CDs on sale for about $4/each.
Alana picked me up and we had dinner at Spinnakers Brewpub. Had a great lamb sirloin dinner and rhubarb crisp, washed down with some Dragonfly Hill Vineyard Chardonnay.
Needless to say, my stamina astounds me. It wasn't long ago I couldn't do more than one aisle at Safeway.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Caught the 9:00 ferry (Spirit of Vancouver Island) and spent the $10 to sit in the Seawest Lounge - quiet, comfortable, Starbucks coffee, pastries and newspapers. Worth every penny.
My GPS has really changed this visit. I don't worry a bit about how to get anywhere, just concentrate on the scenery. First stop was Marley Farm in the Mount Newton Valley, Saanichton. "Somebody" helped themselves to the last bottle of wine I bought here before I could try it. I'll be more careful with today's purchases.
Checked in to the Traveller's Inn - Downtown on Douglas Street. I'll come back here again - free parking, free wireless Internet in my room, free shuttle back and forth to the Convention Centre, clean, nice room.... $89/night.
Met Bubba at his house and unloaded the stuff I brought him (my old printer, turntable, etc.) and loaded a box for Sharron and Matt. Brought the car back to the motel parking lot. We just missed the shuttle but it actually came back for us!
Spent the day in the Royal BC Museum. Always enjoy wandering there and especially liked the BC 150 display, Free Spirit: Stories of You, Me and BC. I bought the book & DVD by Gerald Truscott in the Royal Museum Shop. Can't wait to watch the old travelogues.
We got a package deal & Bubba saw his first IMAX movie, Mummies: Secrets of the Pharoahs. Even though I've taught Egypt a few times over the years, I learned new things. A spectacular film.
It rained or drizzled all through the morning, but the sun was shining in a big blue sky when we came out of the museum. We walked back down Douglas and stopped for chocolates at Rogers - a necessity in Victoria.
Had dinner at Ferris' Oyster & Burger Bar. Scrumptious homous & pita to start and then burgers. Mine was lamb, with pesto mayo & feta with a mix of regular and sweet potato fries. I had to leave the top of my hamburger bun since it had sesame seeds on it. I am adding nuts and some seeds back into my diet but am avoiding the little hard ones. Don't want another diverticulitis attack, if that what they were.
We walked back to my motel to get the car and then went to visit Starre her sons. Bubba is very lucky.
I drove Bubba home and he said he was surprised at how far I could walk and how much I could eat. When he saw me at Christmas I wasn't doing much of anything and was hardly eating!
Monday, June 2, 2008
VTLA Dinner
The Vancouver TL Year End Dinner was at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis & Badminton Club. I was invited as their guest and they gave me a card to rent some movies to cheer me up. Amazing that they are still caring for me so long after retirement. I loved hearing the retirement speaches and visiting with old friends.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Holiday booked
Wednesday I'll wander - Moira has given me a list of wineries - and Thursday I'll go to Coombs & try for a ride on the new ferry at Nanaimo.
Today is reading and cleaning.